Cleaning up: Promising pilot test destroying groundwater contamination in Spokane Valley

Posted on: December 2nd, 2020 by Kirenaga Partners

Kaiser Aluminum’s Trentwood facility is in the early phases of testing new technology that destroys over 90 percent of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in water at their facility in the Spokane Valley.

The Trentwood facility has produced specialized aluminum products for more than 75 years and, like many facilities around the country, used PCB-containing oils in an effort to safely and efficiently operate some industrial equipment. Over the years, some of the PCB oil leaked, contaminating groundwater under the aluminum-casting building near the Spokane River.

Kaiser has been researching and implementing technologies to address the contaminated groundwater, and is now examining two processes to see which will more effectively reduce the threat posed by the PCBs.

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