Plenty Agriculture is revolutionizing how food is grown and consumed. It started on Google’s Campus in 2015 and has since raised over $500 million and is now valued at over $1 billion. In 2016 we were the first private capital to invest.
ecoSPEARS removes toxic PCB and Dioxin contaminants from water, sediment and soil using patented NASA technology. These contaminants represent a $3.2 Trillion liability in the US alone, and the problem is much worse globally.
Space Perspective is the world’s first luxury spaceflight experience company. They are pioneering the space tourism industry with their 6-hour breathtaking journey and first class amenities.
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Our Inspiration: Stay Sharp
Kirenaga is a Japanese term used to describe a knife or sword blade. It literally translates to duration of sharpness or amount of edge retention.
We were drawn to the term Kirenaga because it represents the principles we aspire to embody as a company – to find and maintain a distinctive edge in everything we do. It takes a commitment to excellence and great craftsmanship to balance the metallic properties of hardness and toughness to create a blade with high “kirenaga.”
It takes a similar commitment to excellence and craftsmanship to find and structure investments that enable our portfolio companies to simultaneously grow and create enduring value. Companies, just like blades, will lose their edge over time. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant to ensure that we, as well as our companies, Stay Sharp and Retain an Edge.