Posts Tagged ‘#PromiseInBrevard’

Violet Defense Germ-Cleaning Units Installed at Promise in Brevard

Posted on: April 16th, 2018 by Kirenaga Partners

Violet Defense has donated $80,000 worth of Surface and Air Germ Elimination (S.A.G.E.) units to Promise in Brevard. Promise in Brevard is an up-and-coming housing community for individuals with special needs being constructed in West Melbourne, FL. The donation helps ensure a safe and healthy environment for Promise’s residents through the integration of hospital-grade sanitation technology. Additionally, Violet Defense and Promise have agreed to join together in a research partnership.

The 165 units were installed at the new independent living community for young adults, and will outfit the main campus, cafĂ©, and bakery. Due to the mix of both commercial and residential facilities, the partnership with Promise does an excellent job of showcasing the breadth of the Violet Defense technology’s applications.

You can find a full article on the partnership at the Florida Today website at the link below.
